About Roger Thomas, CEO

Peak Utilities is the business model that CEO Roger Thomas has focused on his entire career: low cost, efficient utility choices.

Thomas started working in the utility telecommunications space in the 80's. He found himself in the middle of telecom deregulation when he landed at TelecomUSA, an Iowa based company that was acquired by MCI Worldcom, that would be acquired by Verizon. In 1994, when there was no mainstream internet, he named his new company TelecompNET based on the national discussion of the internet industry. Then, in 1997, when access to the internet went mainstream, he capitalized.

From there, Thomas co-founded “TeleComp” in 2003, a leading technology firm located in Bentonville, AR where the foundation of the customer base started out as Suppliers (Vendors) of Walmart. This led to 17 years of sales and growth in the states of Arkansas and Oklahoma where Thomas was part of the C-leadership team that led TeleComp to winning the 32nd Annual Arkansas Business of the Year, Category II, 31 - 55 Employees in March of 2020.

Peak Utilities is the exciting business innovation that Thomas has created to be part of the utilities deregulation revolution!